I've been feeling very sorry for myself today, as I had a small but very painful operation this week, which has rendered me incapable of very much apart from lying on the sofa and watching day time tv. Something I have realised I am not very good at!
I hate doing nothing and have tried several times to get up and 'get on with things'. Middleagedad says I am the worlds worse nurse, and of course he is right, I tolerate illness for a couple of days and then see it as a sign of weakness, especially when it's me that's ill. But sometimes when you are really not well, you have to give in and lie down.
Anyone who juggles a family, home and job, can often feel like they don't have a second to themselves and long for some time off. In fact one of my busiest friends (a hard working, single mother of four) once claimed she wouldn't actually mind going to prison, as at least she'd get a rest!
An enforced period of inactivity can be a good thing for many reasons. It gives you time to reflect on how lucky you are to have such a full life, plan all the things you are going to do when you are up and about and most of all, make everyone else run around after you for a change!!
Well that makes me feel better. I remember a time when I yearned to be in hospital so I could get a break, prison never even crossed my mind - so much wiser though, at least you are well enough to enjoy the solitary confinement when you are locked up.
Posted by: Hannah Walker | March 13, 2010 at 12:40 PM