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June 04, 2010



I am sorry to hear that you were so traumatised by seeing this denim skirt - memories can be so wonderful and so, so cruel at the same time. I often have sudden and painful nostalgia for times gone by for no real reason. It's good, and it's bad.

I have to say I am loving the denim skirts just now - I just bought one last weekend from Pro Mod (not sure if you have that in your neck of the woods) it is fabulous and I am wearing it to death in our shockingly hot weather. I think I shall be investing in a few more for our trip to the UK this summer, I see myself wearing them with breton tops and converse shoes, or flip flops, although given the UK weather, it might be tights and boots !!! We'll see.


That has been my staple look all spring Becky. But we hear spots are the new strips, so it may have to be a spotty jersey top instead. (not that we're fashion victims of anything!!)


new balance

We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms,but who are you so silent?I am a mere flower. Do you like it?


The denim women's skirt is a staple must have for any womans closet.

AJF 12

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