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March 12, 2011



The wonderful thing about Grayson Perry is that he is so down to earth, despite the eccentricity! Some artists try to hype their work way up into another stratosphere but his work is so approachable and what an amazing wordsmith! Truly a genius.


I am going to remember the line about cosmetic surgery and repeat it as often as possible!

That's Not My Age

Excellent summary - I really must ditch the note-taking and embrace modern technology!


Until it fails you! Am indebted to the lovely Semple ladies for their help....cake on its way....Ax


Thanks ladies, we are glad you enjoyed it! Semple.x

Belstaff Jackets

For any folks invested in more and better resident contribution, that is a knock back, i believe. But strangely enough, the newest one-pager Can involve many responsibilities around consultation.

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