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April 26, 2011


Karen Hume

We are about to add a large range of ladies cashmere socks to our website - short, mid length and knee high socks in an array of colours and patterns so check out our website over the next week or two -


We will try to keep the dreadful images of our friends who very kindly model for us (Wills and Kate lookalikes) away from the Pantherella page!!

Karen Hume


Oh sorry Karen, now we feel awful! They are I'm sure fabulous people and we are only being wickedly fashion-mavenish in our comments! Good news about the cashmere socks too! Ax

Karen Hume

I was joking! - we found it amusing! I didn't shop the local Doctor and Hotelier who are our look alike chums though....too scared they would say no for our next Photo Shoot!

First batch of ladies Panetherella socks now live -


More to follow....

Love your blog now I have found it!


mrs. iris brooker

please can you tell me where i can purchase mens silk socks in leicestershire, instead of on line. thank you ijbrooker

Karen Hume

I am not sure but you can but them for us in Kelso in the Scottish Borders - 01573 224620 and we can post them to you.


Karen Hume

Belstaff Jackets

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